
Thursday, 30 December 2010


What's really popping? LOL It HASN'T been a while LOL i wrote on Christmas Eve, still how was your Christmas? (you may inbox me what interesting things happened :D)

Did you guys read my piece on Mr. DJM's website? If you didn't run there now fast and come back, this is the link: Shout out to him and his work- you guys should support him, he DOES work hard- you can find him on Youtube, facebook and twitter just type DontJealousMe.

I'm not writing what I planned to write today because i was getting ready to write it and I was doing my research and a topic STILL related to the season came up so it's not so bad. Resolutions!!!

In my opinion, the definition of Resolution is "firm determination" and so obviously when we say "my new year resolutions is...." we're basically saying "I am firmly determined to ..."

So I have two questions, 1) WHY do we make these Resolutions (or in most people's cases 'empty promises)? 2) WHY do we wait till the next New Year to decide to change?

This blog is probably gonna end up being "open" meaning, I will only present queries and not have a closed conclusion :) I would like to hear your thoughts.

1) WHY do we make these Resolutions? I was talking with one of my friends and she was talking about the fact that it's good to self evaluate (VERY true) and so she was doing that recently and realised she lies without control o_0 you can imagine my thoughts like "DANGER!DANGER!!DANGER!!!" So I said, what do you mean? and she said "well, I lie about the dumbest stuff when I could just easily say the truth. I get away with it but then in my mind I just keep telling myself off and regretting"
*****from this, I got that sometimes we wanna change certain things because it'll mean peace of mind- and that's AWESOME

What I DON'T get (and this shocked me too) is people who wanna keep up with the Jones' with their New Year resolutions. So you're friend got a new BMW x-5 and then you swear within yourself that you'll get a better car and you put a title on it called "new year resolution", no I call it boredom and stupidity...

We need to get that sometimes when certain things haven't happened yet- its either cos we're at the wrong place or we haven't reached the time its supposed to happen- I don't know why i just said that but, your resolutions should NEVER be about other people- not even what other people think of you, resolutions are personal- they are firm determinations that our subconscious agree with
That's why a lot of the time, we make New Year Resolutions and by the next month of the new year- its lost. To achieve what you want, you need to have thought about it and evaluated it, how realistic is it? I mean how can you wake up one morning and say "tomorrow, I'll make £1b" it's the same thing- think about it, WHY are you making the resolution you're making?

My next question, WHY do we wait till the next New Year to decide to change?
Like how does someone (mid-June) realise that they enjoy taking stuff that's not theirs and say "ah its bad but no worries, I'll be good next year, it'll be my New Year Resolution" like REALLY??? Believe it or not, people say it!! it's shocked me so much, I'm writing about it instead!!
Life is short. Make any changes you need to make now. Don't wait. You may not have time. Sounds scary but there are lots of people who were planning on buying that first car next year or planning to propose next year even planning to get married next Saturday...but didn't make it, don't wait till next year or next month or even next week- sometimes tomorrow is too late....

I wanted to write a blog that would encourage everyone to do their best and be their best in 2011 but then I thought why not encourage them to start now? What's wrong with now?

I'm sorry this is a little shorter than usual but it was on my mind and I don't say more than what is on it :)

I love you guys and I wish you ALL a very HAPPY NEW YEAR


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